You Are Your Pets Keeper

Too many times we’ve come across people who just get sick of their animals. For one reason or another, they have to leave their animals at a shelter or rescue. While not judging specifically, we believe pets are part of the family. In our world, family members aren’t dropped off at some shelter when you’re done with them.

We here at Belle’n’ believe you are your pet’s “keeper” until you find another “keeper” other than the SPCA or the shelter down the street. I’m not denigrating or disparaging the SPCA or other rescue organizations here because they do move the needle in the right direction.

Actually I’m endorsing them because if you’re dropping off your family pet that you’ve had for twelve years instead of finding a home for them yourself, these organizations will do what you wouldn’t. Many times theses organizations do a good job. However; they don’t need more animals at these rescue organizations and in our opinion “family members” deserve better.

Belle ‘n’ Paws are two such cats. Twelve year old sibling cats, together for their entire lives, that were literally headed for the SPCA if we hadn’t intervened to take them. Without getting into the details and judging one way or another because the bottom line is that we have both Belle and Paws now and we can’t imagine life differently.

Both Belle and Paws have given us so much love since they joined our family… and they have only added to our happiness. It just seems in this instance of transfer, the decision for the original family was such a casual decision to drop off two animals at a shelter when these cats have given nothing but love for twelve years. Now they’re being thrown into the kind of environment at a shelter or the SPCA that would likely separate brother and sister if not worse.

Stepping in to help, we felt like these two cats were being thrown away. We certainly felt like we were freeing these cats from a family that just didn’t care about the cats when the kids moved out. We definitely felt like we were the best thing to come along for these two cats in 12 years.

The whole incident has left a bad taste in our mouth when looking back at the situation. Belle and Paws are such loving animals and deserved so much better than being ignored, brushed aside, and in the end, just thrown away.

Adoption or rescuing an animal is an action by the owner. A choice being made by the owner to be that pet’s keeper or to help in finding a new “keeper” for that pet. Choosing to have a pet is no small decision and taking on the responsibility to help an animal is no tiny decision either. You’re choosing to bring a new member into your family. Maybe you’re temporarily stepping in until you find the animal a good home (Bravo by the way). You’re making a commitment to care for that animal, feed it, and properly vet the animal when needed.

If for whatever reason, you can’t do that anymore. You need to find another “keeper” (someone else who will take on the responsibilities above). While we acknowledge there are many reasons why a pet has to be re-homed. Circumstances change, people’s lives evolve, and what was possible before is no longer possible or an emergency arises. In spite of that, you’ve already agreed to be that animal’s keeper. Find a good home for them if you can no longer provide one.

Again I’m not disparaging  the SPCA or other rescue organizations here at all. They do the work of angels in many cases. I have issues with several organizations, including ASPCA, but my point here is that as a responsible pet owner, these places should only be used in the absolute last resort or in emergency cases.

As a responsible pet owner, you are your pet’s “keeper” and you have the additional responsibility to find another “keeper” if needed.  Someone that will take on the responsibility for your pet when you no longer can.

With the fear of sounding bitter here in this article (I hope I don’t), but the bottom line for us when adopting Belle and Paws is that the previous owners DID indeed find new “keepers” for their animals before sending them to the SPCA. After all is said and done, we have two loving members to the family and it’s hard to imagine life without these two felines. That’s not bitter, that’s thankful.

If you are taking on the responsibility of adopting a cat, rescuing a dog, or taking on the responsibility of taking care of a pet in any circumstance, please realize that the animal depends on you for it’s well being, it’s food, water, their walks, and their litter box.

As you are your pets “keeper”, meet that responsibility and if you no longer can… find someone else to be your pet’s “keeper”. - Belle and Paws on Bed